Saturday, February 16, 2013


            This awakening, I have discovered, is something that I share with scores of people that I have come to know as friends.  But others have very different view about what God is like, are ambivalent about knowing God, or are openly antagonistic towards God.  Why doesn’t everyone find this same life and light in God – it is there for the taking?  Jesus said that he was the way, the truth and the life.  He also said, “Come to me everyone who is weary”.  God has gone on record as saying that anyone who wants to may come to him.  Does the fault lie with God or with us?  If God wants all to come to him, why doesn’t he make them come – but is that actually possible?  When it comes to matters of the heart, and I would propose that knowing God is a matter of the heart, no one can be made to do anything.
            If this coming to God is a matter of the heart, then maybe I should approach the question of “Why did I find God?”, or for that matter, “Why does anyone find God?” from a different angle.  Let me do this with a little bit of personal history.  My wife’s family came to our home town when I was in the first grade.  I knew who she was, because her family attended our church, but I doubt that I spoke two words to her in ten years.  Then one Sunday in June, my brother told me, “You know Barb Campbell is going to camp with us next week.”  I had just started to notice Barb.  Scared, shy, and lacking in self-confidence somehow I worked up the courage to walk over to her after church and say, “Hi, John told me you are coming to camp with us next week.”  She smiled - she actually looked at me and smiled!  That next week in the lodge at camp as well as in the cafeteria Barb would sit with her girl friends, but there would inevitably be a space open next to her.  When I took it, she would inevitably look at me and smile.  I was a goner, head over heels in love.
            Barb’s sister Nancy is nice and also pretty, so why didn’t I fall in love with her, or with any of a dozen or more girls in my circle of friends in high school?  And, who fell in love with whom?  Did I fall in love with Barb, did she fall in love with me, or was it mutual?
            Spiritual awakenings remain a mystery to me, but I think they can be best understood in this light - a mutual falling in love.  God approaches us, we respond, and our hearts are engaged with his.  Yes, we are talking about a different kind of love than my teenage love affair with Barb, but it is just as real, and just as deep, if not deeper. 

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