Monday, May 13, 2013


“You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Mat.5:13a, 14 NAS)

I really don’t like the word influence – it conjures up images of pushy salesmen, spin tactics, and certain family members who think they know better how I should live my life than I do.  But Jesus makes it plain in these verses from Matthew that we, as His disciples, are to be people of influence.  So, should we read up on the latest sales techniques and study how best to spin the Kingdom message?  I don’t think that that is what Jesus had in mind.  As a matter of fact, I don’t think He was concerned with technique and presentation at all.  Consider for a minute what He is telling His followers in these verses, “You are salt, and you are light” – not “try to be salt”, or “study up on how to be light”.  I will influence those around me by simply being who and what I am as a follower of Jesus, and that is the point that I think He is making.  Jesus was saying be with Me, listen to Me, love like Me, be filled with My Spirit – become like Me and you will be an influence to people around you.  So be salty, be tangy and add flavor where you live and where you work.  So shine, bring light and truth – your very presence as a Christ-like (Christian) person will influence your home, your workplace, your neighborhood, and your school.  Simply be who you are in Christ.  Be a person of influence.


  1. I was just reading this to. I think that you are right on. It is also interesting that He is speaking to the people of Israel and not the Christian church. It will contradict other parts of scripture otherwise. I will not list them all but clearly we are too be modest with our works before men and not shine light on them. It does make sense if you are talking about a group of people or the fruit of a life lived in submission to Christ.

  2. Thank you Gary for this post. The thought that comes to my mind is this. If we are faithful in the small things then the Lord will give us more.
