“And he died for all,
therefore all have died, and he died for all that those who live might no
longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.”
– 2 Corinthians 5:5
I decided to retire last December. One morning while reading,
praying, and meditating on the Word it came to me: “It is time to retire”. It
came not as a command from God, but a gift, something good and desirable.
Before this, I could not see myself as a retiree, but now I could. May 1st
seemed like a good date to start for an outdoor guy like me.
People’s first response on hearing that news was typically, “So,
what are you going to do?” My stock reply has been that I plan to restore
another antique car and do more gardening, hiking, fishing, and reading. I look
forward to spending more time with my wife, Barb, and slowing down a bit. In
addition, to volunteer pastoral work, I would like to do some inner city
A keen awareness has come, however, that my life is not my
own, it belongs to God. There is nothing evil or sinful on my wish list. The issue
is that it is my wish list for how I want to spend my retirement. I am not free
to live my life as I choose. As Paul told the Corinthians, “…he (Jesus) died for all that those who live might no longer live for
themselves, but for him”.
What does this mean for me? Jesus has full and complete claim on my life. He has a specific plan for this season of my life that trumps my plans. Exactly what all His plan entails is not yet clear to me, but step by step, as I seek Him and am obedient, He will make his purpose clear. I am still thinking about finding an old VW beetle to restore, but as I hike and garden, my prayer is “Lord lead me. Show me how to lay down my life for You as You laid down Your life for me. “
And your life?