Our Father who art in heaven, hollowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth
as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9b-10 NAS)
I have prayed this prayer hundreds,
if not thousands of times, maybe you have too, without giving a lot of thought
as to just how God will answer it.
Certainly there is a sense in which it needs to be fulfilled in me –
God’s will being done in my life. If I
am a follower of Jesus, then He is my King, and I am in His kingdom. God, help me to be obedient in all aspects of
my life. Establish Your kingdom in
me. In a broader sense I pray for Him to
reign over my marriage and over the families of all my children and
There is also a sense in
which this prayer should be fulfilled in our churches. If Jesus is truly the Head of our churches,
then His will is being done in and through us as individuals and as a
community. We will be a kingdom
community, representing Jesus to the world.
People will see in our communities the love, the unity, the healing, the
health, and the life of Jesus.
As I have recently
meditated on Revelation chapters four and five. It’s the longer term piece of “Thy kingdom
come” that has come into clearer focus.
Chapter four is a beautiful picture of heaven as John saw it in his
Revelation vision. He sees the Father,
the One, sitting on His throne surrounded by a rainbow before a sea of
glass. Angels and majestic creatures
hard to describe sing His praises, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the
Almighty, Who was and who is and who is to come.” (Revelation 4:8b NAS) In this place of beauty, majesty, peace, and
glory God’s will is done – before One so great how could it be otherwise? When we pray “Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven,” (Matthew 6:10) we are asking God to bring
the earth into this same beauty, peace, and Godly order. Given the turmoil, injustice, war, and death
we see all round us, is that possible? How
could it be accomplished?
John’s vision gives us the
answer. Revelation chapter five pictures
the Father on His throne with a scroll in His hand, which is sealed with seven
seals. Ancient wills, contracts, and
other legal documents would be written on parchment and then sealed like
this. No one was found worthy to take
the scroll and open its seals until the Lion of the tribe of Jacob (Jesus)
steps forward. When He takes the scroll
John then sees Him as a Lamb, but a Lamb with seven horns and seven eyes, which
could indicate that He carries absolute power, authority, and knowledge. All heaven breaks forth in worship to the
Father and the Lamb. Jesus has conquered
death and hell and sin, redeeming a people for God from every tribe, tongue,
and nation. His victory proves His
worth. He then opens the seals one by
one, and things start to happen on earth.
Over the next sixteen chapters of Revelation God’s judgement is poured
out on all unrighteousness; people, nations and kings are judged; God’s redeemed
people are gathered to Him; and a new heaven and earth appear with their crown
jewel, the New Jerusalem, where the Father and the Son will dwell with God’s
people forever. All tears will be wiped
away, the tree of life will be in full bloom, and the river of life will run
free through the city.
Wow! That will be “Thy kingdom come". God’s will will be done on earth as it is in
heaven, because heaven has now come to earth. Those of us who follow Jesus, who trust in
His saving grace, have all this to look forward to. What a hope!
What a future! I for one am going
to ratchet up my prayers for the kingdom to come.